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we work

How we work

Our values are fundamental to the way we work.


Client focused

Our relationships with our clients are what define us: they are the foundations upon which our business is created and maintained. Every firm has unique requirements and priorities, so we offer a customised costs service to support the aims of your business and tailor our approach and service to suit your objectives.



We pride ourselves on our agility and flexibility. We are not limited by our own standard processes and are happy to work in a way that supports our clients.



We want to be considered a core part of your team. Getting the right costs advice at the right time is essential, so we are available for advice at any stage in the claim.

Costs recovery is imperative to any successful business, which is why we don’t want to be involved only at the conclusion of the claim. We can assist throughout, dealing with issues that arise during the case relating to funding and budgeting.



You’re committed to getting the best result for your client; we’ll demonstrate the same commitment to your costs.